Monday, February 15, 2021

The Televison

 The Televison

Television is something many take for granted in this day in age,

but it is crazy to think of how short its history really is.

The electro ic tv that today's TVs are based off was created in 1927 by Philo Farnsworth.

Following in 1939 RCA televised the world’s fair for the first on screens that were just 5 by 12 picture

e tubes. 

At first tv’s were not at home products but that changed between 1946 and 1951

as at home TVs began to grow. This helped spark new advances within the television industry.

In 1964 the television finally began to have color broadcasting. Then in 1980 videocassettes came

out which showed off the potential of the television of at-home entertainment. 

TV’s continued to advance into what we know them as today. In 2000 the

first flat-screen TVs came out and then in 2010 LED TVs were invented.

As we can clearly see the television has a short history with major advancements made in

short periods of time. The tv changed lives and entertainment in general allowing for a new at-home

easy way to watch movies and shows.

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