Wednesday, February 3, 2021

SMS Texting

 SMS Texing 

SMS Texting is a large part of our society today, but it was not always that way. SMS texting has a rather short history as the first message was sent on December 3 1992 by Neil Papworth. The concept of SMS texting started in 1984 by Friedhelm Hillebrand and Bernard Ghillebaret. They were a part of a Franco-german GMS company. SMS stands for short messaging service. It got its name from the fact it could only send a maximum size of 160 characters.SMS texting started off rather slowly. Only about .4 texts were sent each month by Americans. This could be because of the limited availability of technology around that time. Over time SMS texting began to grow and by 1999 texts were ab el to be sent between different networks. This helped SMS growth and by 2000 35 texts were sent each month by Americans.

SMS texting started off as a multi-tap system. You had three letters associated with each number and would tap till you had the letter you needed. This was a very time-consuming task so  Cliff Kushler invented the T9 or text on 9 keys method. This method displayed commonly used words and phrases that you could press with a single key. Then in 2011 Kushler developed the Swype method where you could drag your finger to connect the letters. This new development came along with new touch screen phones.

In our society, today SMS texting has a very different role. Texting is a part of our everyday life. While it has become such a major role in our society that does not mean its use is all good. Many professionals worry about the effects texting has on the youth today. Texting has created an overall distraction for young people. They found that 64% of teens text in class and fail to pay attention regardless of rules put in place at school to prevent this. That’s not the only place texting creates distractions though it also can distract all ages while driving along with many other aspects of everyday life. SMS texting also affected the way people have relationships. Texting has made it harder for people to know how to read emotions and respond with empathy when needed, which can then result in over-dependence. 

Texting has also developed ling term consequences within our society. With texting being the new norm teens found ways to make it faster and easier. The term textisms is a way to describe the abbreviations, and short forms teens use while texting. While these textisms are great for texting professionals have found that they are now making their way into students writing within the classroom as well. Texting is now affecting the youth’s use of grammar and it has been found that people who use abbreviations often tend to be bad spellers. This shows the effect technology can have on educations and the power it had over people especially the youth whose minds are still developing.

While grammar, distractions, and less meaningful relationships are all consequences SMS texting has also brought about positive changes. Texting has given people the chance to get immediate feedback. It has offered a more connected world where you don’t need to wait to hear someone’s response. Along with that, it has created a new meaning of literacy.  Now literacy is about finding purpose and being able t analyze the tone of writing to be able to answer in a sufficient way. So while many see all the negative effects of SMS texting it has also brought about positive change and the opportunity to create something new using the knowledge you already have.


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