Tuesday, February 23, 2021

The Digital Age

 The Digital Age 

In today's new digital age privacy has become a major issue. People put their information onto the internet to share with friends and family but it is shared with more than just them. While some sites and devices do a good job at encrypting messages not all are concerned with your information staying private. The government, hackers, and other companies are getting your information from your phone and your social media without you even knowing. This issue is widely discussed by professionals and different issues of your security can be heard. 

In the first ted talk, I watched Catherin Crump discussed one of the many ways the police and government are keeping an eye on us. She discussed how while doing an everyday act of driving can compromise your security. No one would think of it but when you drive cameras are recording you as you pass through stoplights. While these cameras are claimed to be to stop traffic violations in the process they are documenting all license plates that pass through there each day. While this may not seem like a major issue Crump explains how this allows the police and government to know where you have been and who was with you at a given day and time. These cameras can also be found on police cars. With all the information these cameras take the license plates are run against plates of cars that have had violations. the main issue with these cameras is that police are no longer just keeping the data of wanted plates but all plates that pass through. With police and government being able to use this data they can virtually track your every move which is a major privacy concern for the people of our society.

In the next ted talk, I watched Christopher Soghoian discussed how silicon valley companies have begun adding encrypting into your phones to help guard from surveillance. He discussed how companies such as apple have to add encrypting to their products in a way that they can not and others can not read or listen to your messages and calls. While this is great for the consumer's governments are not as pleased about this as they no longer can access your information. As his talk continues he speaks to how officials are mas about how these features are on these products by default. he said that government officials believe they should have access to this information to guard against terrorists, yet not everyone is a terrorist. This is a hard thing because while there may be people like that out there all the systems are the same meaning if the government had access to one they have access to all. Suvalliance back doors open up access to hackers who can then steal people's information. He ended by stating that we need these features to keep our privacy safe. 

In the final ted talk, I watched Darieth Chisolm spoke of her personal experience with privacy issues. She discussed the issue of revenge porn. She talked about how people can so easily take photos without your consent and create a website that they own. These websites are then considered their private property even though the photos are not of them. The main issue of this privacy issue is that there are few laws that help and protect people who are affected by this. While there are bills in the process they could take years to pass and in the meantime, people are suffering and get hurt by revenge porn. She told us how she finally was able to get a private company DMCA to get the site taken down. Through this whole case, she told how easily others can take away your privacy. She discussed how there needs to be more against offenses such as this within the law to help those affected. Overall she showed how easily your privacy can become public and how you can at times have no control over what is on the internet. 


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