Monday, March 15, 2021


 Facebook Movie   

    Facebook is a. major social media platform that many people use to stay connected to friends and family. Facebook to most people os an amazing platform that is an innovative way to keep our world connected. In order to sign up for Facebook, you go to their website click create an account. Once here you enter your name, either your email or phone number, a password, your date of birth, and your gender. This gives Facebook your basic background for them to use to connect you to people and things.


During the early stages of Facebook, the company was all about connecting people and had the motto "move fast and break things". This was a moto to keep facebook moving in an innovative way. They also had a mission to give people the power to share and be more open and connected with each other. This went along with the companies goal which was worldwide expansion. The company was made of most younger workers who were in their young 20's. The founder Mark Zuckerberg was a Harvard graduate and recruited much of his early staff from his friends and fellow graduates. 

As these young graduates began to develop the site they focused on growth. They began to create new features such as the news feed which had content that you wanted to see on it, and the like feature which helped engage people and develop their news feed. While this seems like a good thing as many enjoyed the site it began to be used for different things. the company had a rile that did not incite violence and have basic decent when using the site. While these were good rules in general they were easy to workaround. The site became a part of the Egyptian Revolution. While the site was not the cause it was a way for people to get their message across to others, therefore, becoming the enabler in the situation. While Facebook did take down messages if they violated their rules they had to do it manually which made it hard to keep up with the posts. As the revolution took form the more violent comments began to get more likes which meant more people saw them. This was due to Facebook's feature where whether good or bad the more it engages people the more it is seen and put onto people's feeds. As time went it became evident that Facebook was very understaffed and that a bunch of 20-year-olds was decided what speech mattered ad what didn't.

Facebooks issues did not end there. Over time privacy issues began to arise. Facebook was surveying you to be able to produce ads for specifically you. They were also. found to be storing users personal information, which they also were found to be sharing information with third parties. As users voiced concerns about these privacy issues Facebook responded poorly not seeing it as a large concern. They only wanted to continue to grow and become more world wide. Overall Facebook as grown and developed with quite a bit of controversy and continues to have these same problems to this day.

(Facebook video watched in class, I can not find the link)

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 Facebook Movie         Facebook is a. major social media platform that many people use to stay connected to friends and family. Facebook to...