Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Antiwar Websites

The ability to speak out against our government is an important idea covered in our First Amendment rights. While we often speak out on a variety of ideas concerning many Americans, some ideas get brushed aside and never actually heard. One major idea that is never really talked about is movements against war.  Most of us fall accustomed to just fighting against the issues we hear more often and tend to forget about less heard from issues. But war is not a little issue, so why do we never hear from anti-war voices?

War is not a light topic, because along with war comes casualties and violence. This is why it should be a major topic of discussion amongst Americans, yet it is not. This is because the government benefits from wartime as it brings in money through the ammunition and weapons industries. For this reason, many antiwar speakers are often unheard of or pushed to the background. We can see this in the fact of how difficult and unknown it is that there are antiwar websites. 

Websites like speak out against the United States' involvement in wars across the globe. When reading through these websites you can see the authors tend to have an extremely strong opinion on the matters discussed and the opinion often is biased on the side of no war; you also notice how the sites not only have US news on war but also other countries. Reading the articles found on these types of antiwar websites you are clearly able to see why they are so hard to find because you can see how it could attack attention against plans and wars that the government wants for money purposes. These sites offer extreme points of view on the negative sides of the war, and how foreign policy plays a major role in the war.


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