Wednesday, January 13, 2021


 When looking at news and different informational sources it is to your benefit to have a variety of sources at your disposal. For this very reason, I have many different sources I go to whenever I am looking for my news. My top five news sources are BBC World News, 6 ABC, The New York Times, Daily Mail, and Seventeen Magazine because I feel as though they can provide me with accurate news that is available to me in an array of ways and that has defendable claims that are backed up. by the information taken from the source. I also feel as though these sources give me a fair and mostly unbias opinion on each subject I read about in their articles.


BBC World News Website

BBC Worlds News is one of my favorite news sources because of the variety of news it provides to me. By using this site I am able to keep myself current on not only news within the United States but also news around the rest of the world. I enjoy hearing news from around the globe because I enjoy traveling and feel as though understanding other countries and what is happening in their societies can help me better understand what is occurring within our society. Another reason I enjoy this site because it provides a different perspective on news within our society. Since it covers news around the world you get a variety of journalists that come from different countries and backgrounds. this helps the site provide a rather unbias opinion on the news.


6 ABC New Website

The next main news site I use of 6 ABC news. The main reason I have consistently used this site is that my parents use it to get their news as well. I trust the facts presented by 6 ABC because I have grown up seeing my family watch the news every morning through 6 ABC and have been able to see they are a trustworthy site. I also use this site because of the variety of ways I can access news from this source. I am able to get my news online, on my phone, and on tv. This allows me to always be informed on what is going on in our society. I also like this news site becayse it is mainly centred around my home town.


The New York Times Website

Another site I use is the New York Times. I use the New York Times because of its long-standing history. This site has been used for hundreds of years to prove how useful and accurate it is. I enjoy this site because of the variety of opinions it offers and how offers many different topics of news to keep you up to date on all aspects of news. I also like how easy it is to find different topics of news on their site. You can easily find whatever news you are looking for just by searching it or selecting the topic you are looking for at the top of the page. NAother thing they do is make it extremely simple to read the same news in a variety of languages by just sleectng your language at the topic which is a unique feature.


Daily Mail is a great source I use because of easily I have access to it. Daily Mail appears within the app of snapchat which I often use. This makes getting news from them easiler. While I can still use their website, I also can just see what news is seen as a top story within snapchat. I also use this site because of it range of new avaliable. Daily Mail provides both traditional like politics and more non-traditional like celebrity news to me and makes it easy to stay current on both sides of new while staying on one site. I also feel as though they provide a fairly nonbias and accurate opinion. This helps me feel that I am getting the facts I need without be told lies or hear-say. 


The source Seventeen Magazine is because it offers a different kind of news to me.  While it still offers me the more traditional news it also offers new such as mental health articles and articles to stay current on celebrity drama. This news source is used more for my entertainment and enjoyment thst the others that are more for my informant. I like to use this source because I feel it has reliable information about the more non-traditional news and hlps me stay current on a different aspect of our society. I also enjoy that I can read online or purchase a pysical magazine to read the information. 

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