Tuesday, January 26, 2021

First Amendment's Six Clauses within New

The first amendment is one of the most important amendments and has six clauses freedom of religion, freedom of religion, freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, and freedom of petition. Each and every one of these clauses is super important, but many overlook the difference b between freedom of religion and freedom from religion. Both of these clauses hold value needed to that is not achievable with just one.

The clause freedom of speech is a very technical clause. While most take this to mean no one can violate their freedom of speech, it really means the government can not violet their freedom of speech. In an article wirrten January 9 20210 about Verify: Social Media bans don't violate First Amendment, here's why, we learn more about the power social media platforms have and don't have over our First Amendment rights.

The article dives into the issue of social media platforms facebook, twitter, and Instagram ban of Donald Trump. Throughout the article it explains how the First Amendment does not cover private companies but only the government. We see this idea in our three bed rock principles especially the first one stating, the First Amendment is not absolute. In the article it explains how although the companies may be censoring people by banning or removing their posts they are allowed to do it due to "section 230 of the Communications Decency Act" which states, "companies can restrict access to objectable material".

The article also discusses one of the way Trump reacted to the ban. It states that in May Tump attemted ti issue an executive order on "Preventing censorship". They then go one to explain how he has no power to do this as it would override the constitution. This proves once again how the First Amendement is not absolute due to its specific wording causing only the government to be able to violate your First Amendment rights.


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